The series 840G Cage-guided valve is specially designed using the most recent refinements in control valve technology. It is used to control a wide variety of relatively clean liquids and gases at high-pressure differentials. The design of the 840G valve is very flexible in that it allows a variety of trim types to be installed in the body. In addition, its cage-guided construction reduces plug vibration and provides stable performance throughout travel. All trims of the 840G valve have a quick change design so it guarantees convenient repair and easy replacement of trim. The 840G valve is available in size 1/2"~24" ANSI 150~4500 classes, with either flanged or welding end connections.
Simple-to-Change Capacity or Characteristic
A simple cage change is all that is required to change between reduced and full-sized capacity trims or between linear and equal percentage characteristics.
Tight Shutoff
A variety of shutoff classes from ANSI IV through VI are available to meet application requirements.
Sour Gas/Corrosive Fluid Capable
The wide choice body and trim materials allows the 840G to be applied to corrosive/sour gas services with full compliance to NACE requirements.
Easy Maintenance
Top -entry design and a cage-retained seat ring allow for quick inspection or trim change.